Black, Jewish and Proud: How Rabbi Yossi Kulek Promotes Inclusion
In Episode 48 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Yossi and Rebbetzin Dalia Kulek, Chabad shluchim at the University of Hartford. Though their unique ethnic backgrounds greatly help them empathize with and support a diverse range of Jewish students, their identities have sometimes...
Watch: Ice cream seller yells ‘Free Palestine” at Jewish students | Israel National News
Bracha Shilat from 'Chabad on Campus' came together with Jewish students to buy ice cream in New York, but the seller started chanting "Free Palestine!" The students responded by singing "Am Yisrael Chai."
Nova hostage’s tefillin draw thousands in Israel and abroad to pray for his safe return
An Israeli attorney has been criss-crossing Israel and North America with the tefillin of a hostage held in Gaza at the behest of his mother, drawing thousands of Jews to pray for his return, according to a new report.
Jewish Pride Tour Coming to Your Campus – Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters
Encampments, protests, and antisemitic rhetoric may be ramping up as students return to campus this fall, but something else is coming, too: A Jewish pride tour will hit colleges and universities across more than forty states and Canada, courtesy of Chabad on Campus.
Visiting IDF Soldiers Treated With BBQ in New York
Israeli soldiers who are visiting New York taking a break from the war were warmly welcomed in Rockland Country, New York, with a barbecue event and music.